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Dancing Pines
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

Dancing Pines

Behind my house, on my neighbor's property, stand several pine trees. In the past six plus years of living here, these trees have caught my eye again and again. Not just because they are majestic and hold memories longer than my own. They capture my attention, because they dance!

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Human Being
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

Human Being

Five weeks ago marked the last time I sat with a client in my office. With the power of Zoom and the phone, I am still working. One might think I'd be busier than ever, because there's such uncertainty, and generally we humans fear the unknown. But, of course, for me and my husband - like many of you - only the foggy crystal ball holds the mysteries about how money will flow as we cross this strange bridge together.

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A Flood of Love
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

A Flood of Love

I thought I'd be in Los Angeles right now, on a personal writing retreat, and attending another "Something to Say" workshop. I suspect you had plans to be some place other than where you are at the moment, too.

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Tuk-tuk Perspective
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

Tuk-tuk Perspective

On January 31st, I returned from an extraordinary adventure in Sri Lanka. This trip offered a richness of food, culture, experiences, and lessons. I'm likely to unwind and include some of these in newsletters to come.  First, I'd like to share about driving in Sri Lanka. 

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What’s in a Word?
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

What’s in a Word?

It's become fashionable to select a word for the year, and see what comes of having that word as a touchstone for 365 days running. I coupled it with a practice of noticing what other words popped into my consciousness, asking for further definition. As those meanings revealed themselves, I scribbled them on scraps of paper, collecting a petite, potent pile.

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The Fred Factor: Planting Seeds of Wisdom
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

The Fred Factor: Planting Seeds of Wisdom

Occasionally, moments of brilliance grasp my being. This wisdom, far greater than I possess, channels through the ethers to locate a conveyance system. On Thanksgiving eve, a reminder of the wondrous ways the universe works tapped me on the shoulder. This particular nudge arrived in the form of "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood."

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Where are the Wins? & Cockroach Wisdom
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

Where are the Wins? & Cockroach Wisdom

It's funny, as I think about many of the stories I share with you, I'm aware I often tell you about the hard stuff. Where I've fallen down. The times I question who I am, and whether I'm capable. When I reflect, the material sounds like a total bummer! Why don't I spend every month telling you about how amazing my life has become?

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Rubbing the Lamp
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

Rubbing the Lamp

Mark and I have dear friends, with whom we conspire to use our four birthdays, as grounds for having fun. One beautiful August evening, after Norma treated us to a scrumptious dinner, we strolled the sidewalks of Boston to a secret destination. Only I knew of the mysterious gift event, planned as belated celebration of Walter and Mark's July birthdays.

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Ugly Duckling
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

Ugly Duckling

He wrote, "I thought a swan was a girl duck."

I responded, "OMG - didn't you ever read 'The Ugly Duckling?' I think you may need to!"

"That's where it gets confusing! Doesn't the ugly duckling become a beautiful swan? How does a duck become a swan?" he asked.

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Butterfly Effect
Kirk Roberts Kirk Roberts

Butterfly Effect

For several years, I've been experiencing a kind of time travel. Easily, this might be attributed to the many time zones visited, or with age, a loss of memory for what day of the week it is. But, I think it's bigger than that. In my entire life, running consistently on time is something someone else does. I bend “late.”

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Project Gracie

Project Gracie

Within about two years, we euthanized two of our furry family members. Our girls, Bobbi and Hazel, were litter mates, and lasted to the ripe old ages of 17 and 19 respectively. When Bobbi joined the world of the dearly departed, I received a visitation from her in a dream. She told me: "the next cat must come from a shelter."

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Not My Business

Not My Business

Clients in transition commonly ask, "What am I here for? What is my purpose?" This tricky question rarely yields the desired answer, which, presumably, dispels all future unknowns in one easy bite. My responses, while unscripted, usually mirror what I tell myself…

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A Spring Tribute

A Spring Tribute

Welcome to the new season, my friends. I'm feeling incredibly grateful to turn the metaphorical page of the calendar to a time of year that celebrates the longer days, the increased warmth, and the occasional bursts of splashy color, as flowers prepare to preen in the sunshine. Unlike historical "first days of spring," I find this one to be bittersweet.

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Eye Of The Beholder

Eye Of The Beholder

In January, days before departing for Mexico, I had my fingernails professionally coated with a sizzling orange polish, to prepare me for the heat to come. As the manicurist worked her magic, she asked about my bold, off-season color choice. I explained I'd soon be in Tulum, and the brightness matched my mood about the adventure.

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Word Games

Word Games

I love parlor games. For me, they've always been a great connector. One friend recently shared that his first memory of me, some 15+ years ago, was meeting across a table playing Beyond Balderdash. We comprised two of the 30 folks participating in a personal growth weekend workshop, where I routinely brought a game or two for down time in the evenings.

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Transitions & Reinventions

Transitions & Reinventions

As 2018 gasped its death rattle, I stood, second row at the Wang Theater, breathing in the melodies and lyrics of Lake Street Dive. Introduced to the talents of this ensemble about a year ago, New Year's Eve marked my second time attending one of their live performances.

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Light Or Shiny?

Light Or Shiny?

In Malcom Gladwell's book, "Outliers," he introduces the "10,000 hour rule." The concept asserts a requirement for success, specifically, a minimum of 10,000 hours practicing whatever it is you hope to master. Various experts shred this notion, suggesting that time, alone, will not determine expertise.

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I See You

I See You

In my work, and in my day-to-day existence, I witness a common theme; I bet you've noticed it, too. Nearly every person responds positively to being seen and heard as his/her true self. There is a kind of magic that happens when, after experiencing a series of dismissive or abusive interactions, we meet up with someone who pauses, sees, and listens.

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Modern Day Abolitionists

Modern Day Abolitionists

I recently enjoyed dinner with my step-daughter, Julia. She and her boyfriend, together these last six years, might appear to the world as an interracial couple. In all of their time together, the notion of being part of an interracial couple never occurred to Julia. "Well, I love him, so I just see him," she explained.

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