Who I Work With

Through my own journey of personal growth,
I’ve learned these truths about myself and every one of my clients:

You are not broken. There is no thing fundamentally wrong with you. You matter.

There is hope.

Your path forward will be uniquely yours, so don’t expect it to look like someone else’s. And, whatever you try on, you can’t do it wrong! You will always learn something of value, simply by stretching and taking a risk. 

All great news, right?

Except, when people come to me for help they are often at a loss. I invite you to notice if any of these situations resonate: 

  • you are feeling stuck or facing a hard decision;

  • something is not quite right, and you can’t put your finger on what’s off;

  • no one seems to see or hear you;

  • it seems like, no matter what you do, you can't get it right;

  • you wonder why you have to take care of everyone else;

  • you just want to say “fuck the world!” because, “who cares?”;

  • you’re on the verge of losing hope. 

Typically, whatever the specifics, people experience some form of disconnection from self — ouch! They behave as a “human doing” instead of a human being.  

These are the most common beginnings I witness. Many transition coaching clients wish for a flick of a light switch kind of answer. Yet, I am ever amazed by the courage harnessed, as they dig in and travel the unknown and meandering path of deeper work.

Most of my clients have done other personal development work before they knock on my door, including: self-help through various media, working with therapists and/or other coaches, workshops, and a myriad of other kinds of practitioners.

Whatever benefit may have been derived from those efforts, they are ready to work toward the next step, and they recognize the value of having a guide walking beside them on the next part of the path.

If you are looking to roll up your sleeves and discover what resides in those personal dark corners, I am here to hold the flashlight with care and appreciation. Sometimes, this will mean being nudged in ways that may feel uncomfortable. Other times, I will be the one to suggest a rest and hold a space for moving slowly. Coaching is a process that can take time to bear fruit, and, one step at a time, you will start carrying the flashlight and setting the pace, while I will walk beside you as support. Finally, most of the growth will be done outside of our sessions, as you apply your growth to daily life and step into living the change.

If you would like to step toward purposeful change in your life, to feel connected to yourself, to manifest the best version of yourself, and open to the magic of the universe...

Contact me for a 20-minute test drive, and let’s see if we’re a good match to navigate the next steps on your personal path.